Mahlzeit !!!

für all euch deppen, die ihr zu blöde seid,

den weg durch meine homepage OHNE

frame zu finden, gibt es hier eine kleine

übersicht !  8--J

(this is a short summary of what you can find on my site-

especially if you can't handle a frame-free web page!  sucker !!)

Fuck Frames !!!

...meine hits des monats...(earworms of the month)

...meine konzert-besuche...(recent concerts i visited)

...meine musik - links...(music links from the www)

...die trash - link site...(trashy- links from the www)

...meine sonstige adressen...(some of my other domains)

...die §§§ - site  8--(  (the lawyer's site)

...freunde ??? und bekannte ;--)) (friends? and others)

...die tückische dalmatiner- krankheit  :--?

(the strange dalamtian- disease)

...die schönste nebensache der welt   ;--I

(probably the best thing in the whole wide world)

...die "wahren" groove - attack sites....

(the real groove-attack sites...)

...meine "ewige" musik - longplay - liste...(ich arbeite dran)

(my longplay favourites- still under conctruction)

...meine "ewige" musik - single - liste...(ich arbeite dran)

(my all- time earworms- still under construction!)

...die "einzige & echte" axl- site  ;--))

(axel's- homepage....for real......)

...eine nette virusmeldung...(beware of viruses!)

...mein kommentar zu freien countern...

(my comments on free counters)

die antwort auf die frage   ;--))

(the answer to an important question...)


brand fukin' new!  gaestebuch! (guestbook!)   brand fukin' new!


(comin' very soon..) comixs !! (comics !!)

hoppel hoppel....

get the Fuck BACK

....irgend einen Kommentar ???





































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The person who made this site made a 404 bo-bo.




















Not Found

The requested URL /fuck-you-2/wanker/ was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request




















...Smut & Filth !!! (e-mail for (hidden)-passwort!)